Hello 2020! Let's Do This

Happy New Year and hello 2020!! As we step into a new year and new decade I want to take this opportunity to thank you for your support this past year. Whether you attended one of my workshops, are a weekly listener of my podcast The Nancy Ruffin Show, contributed to any of my give back initiatives, engage with me on social media, support The Fierce Woman Collective, watch Nancy Ruffin TV, or read my work your support is appreciated and I am grateful for our connection.
On this first day of the new year I want to remind you that every day can be the start of something new and every ending (no matter how painful it can be sometimes) is also a new beginning. As we let go of 2019 and say hello to 2020, know that today is the first day of new visions, new dreams, new opportunities and new choices to create the future you've always wanted. You create the future by what you do today, tomorrow, and the all the days after.
This year get clear about what you want your future to look like and then say no to everything that doesn't align with that vision. Set boundaries and honor them. Make a plan that outlines how you will accomplish your goals and then stick to it. Surround yourself with people and experiences that push you to be better. Don't feel guilty for choosing yourself.
For 2020, my greatest wish for you is that you have the courage to choose yourself first. Be BOLD and LOUD about your dreams. The universe is here to support you, but you have to be willing to work.
Have an amazing January 1st and a healthy, happy, and prosperous 2020.